Yemas vs huevos enteros. Leche vs. Leche y crema.
Leche y huevos enteros
Leche y solo yemas
Mitad leche y mitad crema y huevos
Mitad leche y mitad crema y yemas
There are more than 40 different proteins in a whole egg, some only located in the white and others predominantly in the yolk. These proteins influence the rate of denaturation and coagulation. Egg white protein coagulates between 144° F and 149° F (62.2° C and 65° C); egg yolk protein coagulates between 149° F and 158° F (65° C and 70° C); and whole egg protein coagulates between 144° F and 158° F (62.2° C and 70° C). However, a number of variables influence the rate of coagulation, as well as the ability of the proteins to remain in the three-dimensional network.7
Aumentar las proteinas de la leche
Leche comun
Leche comun más agregado de leche en polvo
Leche calentada hasta desnaturalizar las proteinas de la leche
Leche evaporada (en la thermomix hasta que se reduzca a la mitad)
Bajar la temperatura a 70 grados
Mismo flan en sous vide y en olla a presión.
Agregado de gelatina